What is the instructional method?
The typical format of a session will include short lectures mixed with group activities and discussion. Some sessions will include panel discussions and networking with industry experts, alumni and course mentors.
Who delivers the course content?
The course is taught by Faculty from Perth Biodesign, as well as invited speakers from the digital health industry, WA entrepreneurial community and Alumni Association.
How is the course structured?
Participants are matched into multidisciplinary teams of approximately five members based on skill set and area of expertise. During the clinical immersion period, the team will choose a project from a unmet clinical need area. During the 4 months, the team will receive tuition on the ‘how’ of digital health innovation from problem evaluation through to a working prototype that can be used and tested with end-users.
What are the main course components?
The first component (Identify) is the identification, validation and scoping of the identified unmet clinical need. The second component (Invent) is the development and testing of the prototype (the solution) that aims to solve the identified unmet need.
What are the rules around Intellectual Property (IP)?
The course is intended to create the environment and provide the early-stage commercialisation training for inventions to take place, as well as a business case to be developed. Any IP developed by participants during the course will be jointly owned by the participants in accordance with their contribution and commitment to their team’s project.
What are the rules around confidentiality?
To protect the IP created in the course, participants agree not to publicly disclose any confidential information shared with them and not to publicly disclose details of their or other team’s projects during the course or afterwards for the duration of 10 years following the cessation of the course (subject to the publication of any confidential information by a party entitled to publish it). Participants who participate in clinical activities agree not to discuss, distribute or keep record of any patient identifying information (written or visual). Mentors and external parties working directly on team IP will enter into separate confidentiality agreements for the benefit of course participants.
Who are the mentors and how will they help?
Each team will be provided with a clinical mentor during the clinical immersion period in addition to an alumni mentor who will be contactable throughout the course and invited to some weekly course sessions. Mentors will assist teams with meeting deliverables and provide additional guidance and support.
How am I held accountable during the course?
You must submit deliverables set by course faculty each week and it is expected that 90% of weekly sessions are attended, except under compassionate circumstances. Perth Biodesign reserves the right to remove participants from the course for failure to abide.
What is expected from me?
Participation at program lead up events
Participation during clinical immersion period
Participation at weekly in-person sessions
Submission of weekly deliverables
Submission of program evaluation documentation
Delivery of a public presentation at the final presentation event
Can I keep developing my idea after course completion?
Absolutely! Perth Biodesign will support the teams with advice and mentoring during the course until the final presentation evening. Requests by the teams for ongoing advice and mentorship after the course can be discussed with the Faculty and will be considered on a case-by-case basis depending on the circumstances.
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Want to check out a previous team? Click here or listen to the video below