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Training the Next Generation of Biomedical Entrepreneurs

This course will provide you with:

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Access to observe clinical care in top WA hospitals
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Matching with a multidisciplinary team of top aspiring innovators
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An early-stage medical technology or digital health concept and business case
A strong network with expert mentors in WA's biomedical and health innovation ecosystem
World-class content and learnings from Stanford University, tailored for the local ecosystem

How It Works

The 7-month, part-time Perth Biodesign Course brings together multidisciplinary teams to identify unmet clinical needs and work towards inventing a medical technology or digital health solution, whilst learning about the development process.

Teams come together once a week, on a Tuesday evening, to learn, and put into practice, the course content delivered by course faculty and top local experts. Throughout the course, teams will have regular deliverables that will require further work outside of the weekly meetings, either online or at in-person team meetings. Previous participants estimate the workload of the course at around 8 hours per week.

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What You Will Learn

  • Proof of concept prototyping

  • Regulatory and reimbursement pathways 

  • Business models

  • Business strategy 

  • Dilutive and non-dilutive funding sources

  • Identifying a clinical unmet need

  • Validating a clinical unmet need

  • Market and Stakeholder analysis

  • Brainstorming for solutions

  • Understanding intellectual property protection 

Who Should Apply and What is the Cost?


The typical structure of a Perth Biodesign team includes passionate individuals with a clinical, engineering/software development, business and/or research background. Our participants range from senior students to experienced professionals, however we encourage anyone with a strong passion for healthcare innovation to make an enquiry.

Previous participants of the course have included business consultants, hospital heads of department, 2nd year undergraduate students, physiotherapists and PhD students.

Course fees are $1,500 for students at UWA or partner organisations*, $2,000 for other students, $3,000 for staff at UWA or partner organisations* and $5,000 for others. At the end of the course, given that all deliverables have been completed, participants will receive a $500 reimbursement. 

*Partner organisations currently include: WA Department of Health; WA Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation; City of Joondalup and members of the Joondalup Medical Precinct Taskforce (AMA College, Black Swan, Brightwater Group, Community Vision, Curve Tomorrow, Edith Cowan University, North Metropolitan TAFE, Ramsey Health, Rocky Bay, Telethon Speech and Hearing, WA Primary Health Alliance); Curtin University; The Kids Research Institute Australia; WA Health Translation Network; Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research; and Perron Institute.

Recent News From Our Alumni and Faculty


Awarded CRC-P grant of $1.7 million to lead an Australian Ultrasound Consortium

Donating Blood

Matilda Health

Received $40K Innovation Booster grant

Stomach Pain

REX Ortho

AO Foundation collaboration with REX Ortho to support development of new spinal screw

Pelvic X-Ray


Received $4M to establish a new manufacturing facility

Mother Breastfeeding Baby


WA Innovator of the Year: 2023 Rio Tinto Emerging Innovation Winner


"The supportive, creating and proactive individuals I have met has been without a doubt my favourite takeaway. I think coming from a non-clinical background, insight into the challenges faced by the individuals in the sector - and the creativity with which they and others have met these challenges with product development - has been nothing short of profound."

- Perth Biodesign 2019 graduate

"The Biodesign course is a great avenue for anyone who has a deep desire to improve health care on a global scale. The extensive breadth of knowledge and expertise covered within the course is mind-blowing and incredibly humbling. From the course directors, organisers, committee members, mentors and weekly invited guest speakers, all of whom take time out of their busy schedules to share their experiences and knowledge. I feel extremely privileged to have had the opportunity to learn from these various experts in their fields.'

- Daphne Lakhiani, Perth Biodesign 2018 graduate

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