Team Kaleidothroat is working to improve compliance and diagnostic outcome in paediatric throat based infections.
What drew you to the problem you are working to solve in Biodesign?
The problem of paediatric non-compliance and misdiagnosis of tonsillitis is so widespread I realised a solution in this space could potentially improve the diagnostic experience and outcome of millions of people. Having a positive impact on parents, children and doctors to improve their experience as well as the diagnostic outcome was undoubtedly alluring, especially once I realised it could help in preventing some serious issues being faced in medicine today.
- Sam

Kaleidothroat (L-R) Samuel Bolland, Sheetal Maria Rajan, Lewis Singleton, Dr Gerry Maguire, Emmett Morris, Business mentor Prof Paul Watt. Not pictured: Rhys Daniel, Alumni mentor Huan Ting Ong.
Whilst working in primary care and emergency medicine, I was frustrated by the current process of examining children (which I found was somewhat traumatic for kids and parents), and frustrated that our current Telehealth examinations provided suboptimal examination findings (if any at all). My impression was that there was (or should be) an easier way to examine the throats of patients, either in person or remotely, and that this would be extremely valuable when tackling antibiotic overuse, rheumatic fever in remote and indigenous populations and also provide a more efficient and tolerable experience for both patients and clinicians alike - Rhys
What have you learned/gained from the Biodesign process?
I feel like I’ve learnt so much already as Biodesign is fast-paced and incorporates many complex factors involved in medtech such as IP, business plans, marketing, prototyping, pitching and a needs-based innovation process. One important point I have learnt is to be action oriented and maintain flexibility, as these are two useful strengths early stage start-ups have that later stage companies can lack. - Sam
The skills surrounding clearly and accurately capturing the problem you want to solve, and the market you need to appeal to has been incredibly valuable. It has actually been transferrable to my academic and clinical research when collaborating with other scientists, pitching the research we want to do, and applying for grants. I will keep referring back to the Biodesign process throughout my future business and research endeavours. - Lewis
What has been your favourite thing about the Biodesign experience?
The quality of the course and participating in turning an idea into a product with a dedicated team. - Sam
It has expanded my perspective on how creative and skilled minds can meet to create incredibly useful and enduring technology beyond solely academic research. - Lewis
What do you want to be doing 10 years from now?
I will feel really lucky if I’m able to work in a team of passionate people who continue to find more innovative ways to help improve the medical and health industry. - Lewis
Working as a professional engineer and entrepreneurial founder of medtech company. - Emmett
What would be your advice to someone considering taking the course in 2022?
Be ready to learn a lot and do a lot. This isn’t a passive learning experience, it is very hands on and involves a time tested process of needs-based problem solving that you can use for the rest of your life. I highly recommend the course. - Sam
Make sure you are ready to operate in a team that runs fast, lean, and flexible. If you apply yourself, it is possible to launch the beginnings of a successful company. - Emmett
Sam is a PhD candidate at UWA and taking part in the interdisciplinary BioZone program. Sam's research bridges neuroscience and biomedical engineering with the ultimate goal of developing a new product for the treatment of depression. Graduating from Murdoch University with a double degree in Biomedical Science and Engineering (Hons) he then completed an Honours in Molecular Biology (first class).
Sheetal is a recent graduate with a strong scientific and management background holding a Bachelor & Master of Biotechnology degree. She is passionate about developing healthcare products and making them affordable and accessible to the community. Core values include: leadership, teamwork, integrity and growth; paired with exquisite interpersonal and communication skills; and great analytical and critical thinking.
Rhys is a medical doctor with a background in engineering who enjoys looking at the healthcare industry as a whole, as well as treating individual patients. His strong scientific background mixed with his clinical experience allows him to develop innovative ideas and solutions to healthcare problems.

Emmett Morris
Emmett studies a Master of Professional Engineering (Biomedical) at UWA. He discovered his passion for biomedical engineering while spending a year studying abroad in the United States. Emmett now interns with an emerging medical device company in WA and acts as Industry Engagement VP for UWA’s Biomedical Engineering Society. In 2022, Emmett intends to commence a PhD in biomedical engineering.

Samuel Bolland

Gerry Maguire
Dr Gerry Maguire is a GP based in the South West of Western Australia. He has treated a wide range of health problems across a variation of age groups. Gerry is passionate about the evolving “doctor-patient” relationship and the opportunity of mobile digital telehealth consults vs the importance of face to face.

Sheetal Rajan

Lewis Singleton
Lewis is a researcher in the field of neurodegeneration, having completed a masters at the University of Melbourne and Florey Institute researching the gastrointestinal complications of a combined genetic and environmental Parkinson’s disease model. She works as a research coordinator at the Perron Institute on a genetic and quality of life clinical study on motor neurone and Parkinson’s diseases.